
Looking out over what is probably the most scenic view of my life so far, I am overwhelmed by the beauty of the Reinefjord in Lofoten islands of Norway. 

I am filled with awe and gratitude for this sole sunny day on my trip here and for the clear views of the striking mountain peaks. I look back at past day to see how I got to this point.

Reinebringen hike viewpoint.

I am met with fog and rain in the morning after setting up camp near the ferry dock. I sleep in and just hop on the bus until I find a patch of sun. I can finally appreciate the turquoise waters and have a picnic on an island meadow before deciding that the clouds would obscure any attempt at a hike. 

Reinefjord in the early morning mists
Fredvang bridge views

I go out on the fjord from the cute town of Reine, a fisherman’s village and base for many surrounding hikes. The clouds reveal more of the mountainsides as the ferry makes its way along the dark blue waters. A stunning waterfall runs alongside a towering peak. I make conversation with a few expat Americans travelling here and befriend a girl from Taiwan, Sunni, who helps me capture some of the beauty of this fjord. 

We hike through the valley of the mountains to the beach where there is a shrubby overlook. There are so many wildflowers in bloom and we hike up a bit to get a nice view of the beach and wait for the sun to reveal more of the mountains. 

The sun comes out just as I scramble down to the beach and take in the view. I dip my feet in the icy cold ocean until they go numb and I warm up on the sand with a snack. It is nice to see the grassy dunes, and the wind has formed an interesting design, blowing sand past shells scattered on the beach. 

The sun comes out more and the fjords become even more majestic as the clouds dissipate. Sunset is spectacular as the mountains begin to glow. 

The full beauty of the Reinefjord is revealed in the early morning as I look out from the harbor. Beginning the assent to the summit is demanding, up 2000 stairs. It is cold in the shade, but I heat up quickly to remove all my layers. The view over the ocean and surrounding hillside keeps my mind off the struggles.

Finally at the top lays the iconic view over the Lofoten island chain. Smaller islands connected by the road below look particularly stunning beneath the mountains. 

The sharp peaks surrounding the Reinefjord are revealed and have so many bizarre twists and angles. There is still some snow reflected in a lake. The water is bright aqua along the shallow edges and a fantastic deep blue along the fjord. I savor this view, hiking up a little further for some solitude from the crowd gathered at the top.